You guys are bringing up a good point regarding someone's right to suicide. I ran into an ethical dilemma several years ago regarding that. Someone i knew online, who wasn't even really a person I knew well, but rather a friend of some friends, posted in her online journal describing pretty much that she had flown into a borderline rage, and had just taken enough pills to OD. Based on the time posted, it looked like I was pretty much the first person to read that entry. I knew that she was in enough of a state to not be bluffing this, either.
Most people would say that if she really wanted to die she wouldn't have posted that entry. I say, who the fuck cares? The took the fucking pills. She set the ball in motion. I didn't know what to do. I know it sounds stupid, but I questioned whether it would be right to interfere, because maybe this was her right to destroy herself.
But my selfish instincts took over, in the sense that I would not be able to live with myself if I just stood by and did nothing. And really, I didn't want this person to die. I checked her friends list, posted in their journals about what was going on. We all joined up in IRC chat to try to figure out who knew what area code she lived in so an ambulance could be called. Also, we were trying to contact her friends there so they could know.
Fortunately, the paramedics got there in time. I guess I say fortunately because she's still alive now and seems to be ok with that, but she is having a very hard time. I didn't even think about her until today when I was reading this thread, and then I wondered how she was, so I checked out her journal. I was happy to know she was still around.
The really brutal thing was the amount of hideous comments that people put in her suicide journal entry the day it happened. Really really mean stuff. I was so mad I was shaking. Which is weird, since I don't really even know this person well.