LIKE Ms. Crankypants! :rofl:
Ms. Cranky Pants
mscrankypants.com | alice wang | misanthropes unite! uh, not.
What the Bleep Do We Know?[/url] This New Age claptrap propaganda piece twisted quantum theory, physics, religion, biology, addiction, and interviews with both scientists and freaks, interwove it with unsubstantiated and not peer-reviewed pseudo-scientific studies, candy coated it with this weird-ass partly-animated acid trip of a fictional story about a stressed-out photographer, and basically tried to prove that our reality is not real. Uh huh. I admit I'm a strong proponent of an existentialist philosophy that sometimes leaves me cold and hollow (not really), so maybe I have a bias toward what I perceive and what I deduce (cogito ergo sum), but even trying to keep an open mind for anything in this movie is too much. I'm just not a cult-prone, gullible fool.
This film was funded, directed, and written by folks from some Ramtha cult. Ramtha is a thirty-five thousand year old spirit from Atlantis and is channeled by this delusional chick, JZ Knight (of course she was born in Roswell, New Mexico. omg.) JZ features quite prominently in the movie, as expected since it's her movie. My favorite part of the whole ordeal was when Knight stated that we had advanced technological advances, like anti-gravity. Whoa! Don't we wish, dude! I would love to fly around in a Jetson's-style street levitation machine without the use of propellent or other noxious substances. Just fire up the magnetic coils and other physics doodads that don't exist and boom! I'm flying! I'm flying! Does anyone do any sort of fact-checking anymore?
And now there's a sequel, with the added tagline, "Down the Rabbit Hole" (yeah, of your ass!).
It's not "What the F*** Do We Know," it's just simply, what the fuck?
Jackie said:LUNAR new year? Your calendar and mine, baby!
MARYBETH[/b] said:What THe BLeep was funded by the RAMTHA folks?? Are you sure??
Oh shit....I knew it was too entertaining to have been produced by anyone born prior to the development of the calendar!
Oh well....its back to the PBS channel.
MsCranky[/b] said:Okay, here are some clarifications and their sources:
1) Ramtha is a 35,000 year old immortal God from the long-gone continent of Lemuria (lemurs are so darn cute!), who then went on to Atlantis
2) He is channelled through the body of JZ Knight so he can teach his philosophy in person
3) The press contact for the movie was a person named Pavel Mikoloski, who denied that the movie was funded by the Ramtha School
4) Pavel Mikoloski was also the spokesman for the Ramtha School
5) Supposedly Ramtha/JZ Knight hand-picked all of the "scientists" and experts for the film
6) All of the directors of the film are students of the Ramtha School
7) The production company, Lord of the Wind, LLC. is a reference to Ramtha's teachings

Lord of the Wind, LLC is located at Yelm, Washington, where the Ramtha School is located
More info here:
JessicaVendo[/b] said:Yes, I wish more people would do some fact finding about this cult. I live in Yelm, and have to say the community is very divided about Ramtha. Many members of the community have left their previous homes from out of state, or country for that matter, and moved here just to be close to the "compound" which is notabley surrounded by large brick structures, gates, and armed security ( no shit). Many of the members have gone into bankruptcy because it costs so damn much just to be apart of the RSE- about $1000 per class. JZ Knight also has her own boutique in town that sells very upscale merchandise thatI have no idea who could afford in this little town of 4500. Oh, ya, and her boutique also sells JZ Knights used clothes. Wow.
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