Author Topic: Hyde School, The Most Truthful Informative Post I have Seen  (Read 53332 times)

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Offline Ursus

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Hyde School, The Most Truthful Informative Post I have Seen
« Reply #255 on: March 21, 2007, 11:28:48 AM »
Quote from: ""Guest""
I can't believe I came accross this website, I am now in the process of dealing with the situation that my youngest son who has been attending Hyde since November 2005 refuses to go back and I supporthim completely on this, yet his father (we're legally separted) who is an ex-Hyde student is trying his hardest to convince me otherwise.  In the first place his father sent him there because he could not discipline my son properly and since he has residential custody of him I felt really I could not relly help my son and agreed to send him there.  I have seen my son go from a vibrant, energetic, bright young man to a mummy.  I see his fear and agree with all of you who talk about this being a "cult-like" situation.  I went there for their spring retreat and that is exactly how I felt, that I was in the middle of a cult and was actually amazed to read how so many people on this website reffers to Hyde in the same way I do!  Last night my ex took me out for a coctail to do his best to convince me that my son is being a quiter and needs to go back and finish this year.  I see his point of view but I also see and feel the unhappiness in my son.  He has chosen to be with me and stay in my house during the holiday season because he could not even stand being next to his father.  Instead of this helping a relationship between father and son it has made my son angrier.  

When I heard my ex talking to me last night I saw all the "Hyde" lingo and expressions being said to me,and I even told him that all that comes out of his mouth is pure Hyde.  My ex never graduated from Hyde, because at the time he went his sister was also going and his family could not afford to have two kids going to that same school, well Mr. Gauld (father) and other Hyde officials, told him at the time that they would much rather have his sister attend Hyde than him because she showed more leadership potential hthan he did.  This, I believe completely scared my ex and actually when he went to one of the FLC's he got an apology form all of the Gaulds because they "did him wrong" then.  As a matter of fact even though my ex graduated Hig School from another school, he last night told me that he willbe receiving his diploma from Hyde very soon, he just has to give a lecture or a speech in front of the school and he will receive it.

My middle son is also attending Hyde and it has not seem to affect him emotionally at all, but his little brother tells me that he just "goes with the flow and does everything they tell him to do there". . .

I certainly feel that this place may be good for some kids but definitely not for my youngest and as I said I am so glad I found this place where I can see other's oppinions on this school.  I was made to belive by my ex last night that I am crazy by thinking this way about Hyde and it being a cult.

And as far as the school providing records for me to transfer him to another school, it has been extremely difficult to get anything from them.  The Registrar has given me nothing but attitude when I have been calling her every single day after she promises she will fax the records "as soon as she gets approval form the business office" and I have not received a thing.  The other day she could not do ti because it was snowing in Maine and she had to go home. . . .

I look forward to reading more from you all.

Dear Guest, should you still be reading this board, is your Ex's last name perchance Coburn?  Regardless of that, I have to say that to take one kid (his sister) and not the other (your Ex) because one allegedly demonstrates "more leadership potential" has got to be one of the sickest mind-fucks I've heard in a while.  Your Ex has been basically "marked for life," and no so-called apology (assuredly incomplete and certainly conditional) from the current administration, nor the promised diploma upon completion of a public speech defending his rationale to same, can possibly erase the stigma of what he certainly sees as evidence of his "inferiority."  Quite frankly, speaking as an outsider from an objective distance, it is no small stretch to draw the conclusion that this event, during perhaps the most impressionable years of his adolescence, plays no small part in the difficulties between the two of you.  Not only has Hyde harmed him, but it has also harmed you, and it has harmed your marriage.  Your Ex has lived the rest of his life post-Hyde trying to prove them wrong, and is still living it through your children in attempting to fulfill this dream.  Very very sad.  I wish all of you the best of luck and heartfelt sympathy.  I trust that your youngest son is now clear from the clutches?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Offline Anonymous

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Hyde School, The Most Truthful Informative Post I have Seen
« Reply #256 on: March 21, 2007, 04:09:58 PM »
Quote from: ""Ursus""
Quote from: ""Guest""
I can't believe I came accross this website, I am now in the process of dealing with the situation that my youngest son who has been attending Hyde since November 2005 refuses to go back and I supporthim completely on this, yet his father (we're legally separted) who is an ex-Hyde student is trying his hardest to convince me otherwise.  In the first place his father sent him there because he could not discipline my son properly and since he has residential custody of him I felt really I could not relly help my son and agreed to send him there.  I have seen my son go from a vibrant, energetic, bright young man to a mummy.  I see his fear and agree with all of you who talk about this being a "cult-like" situation.  I went there for their spring retreat and that is exactly how I felt, that I was in the middle of a cult and was actually amazed to read how so many people on this website reffers to Hyde in the same way I do!  Last night my ex took me out for a coctail to do his best to convince me that my son is being a quiter and needs to go back and finish this year.  I see his point of view but I also see and feel the unhappiness in my son.  He has chosen to be with me and stay in my house during the holiday season because he could not even stand being next to his father.  Instead of this helping a relationship between father and son it has made my son angrier.  

When I heard my ex talking to me last night I saw all the "Hyde" lingo and expressions being said to me,and I even told him that all that comes out of his mouth is pure Hyde.  My ex never graduated from Hyde, because at the time he went his sister was also going and his family could not afford to have two kids going to that same school, well Mr. Gauld (father) and other Hyde officials, told him at the time that they would much rather have his sister attend Hyde than him because she showed more leadership potential hthan he did.  This, I believe completely scared my ex and actually when he went to one of the FLC's he got an apology form all of the Gaulds because they "did him wrong" then.  As a matter of fact even though my ex graduated Hig School from another school, he last night told me that he willbe receiving his diploma from Hyde very soon, he just has to give a lecture or a speech in front of the school and he will receive it.

My middle son is also attending Hyde and it has not seem to affect him emotionally at all, but his little brother tells me that he just "goes with the flow and does everything they tell him to do there". . .

I certainly feel that this place may be good for some kids but definitely not for my youngest and as I said I am so glad I found this place where I can see other's oppinions on this school.  I was made to belive by my ex last night that I am crazy by thinking this way about Hyde and it being a cult.

And as far as the school providing records for me to transfer him to another school, it has been extremely difficult to get anything from them.  The Registrar has given me nothing but attitude when I have been calling her every single day after she promises she will fax the records "as soon as she gets approval form the business office" and I have not received a thing.  The other day she could not do ti because it was snowing in Maine and she had to go home. . . .

I look forward to reading more from you all.

Dear Guest, should you still be reading this board, is your Ex's last name perchance Coburn?  Regardless of that, I have to say that to take one kid (his sister) and not the other (your Ex) because one allegedly demonstrates "more leadership potential" has got to be one of the sickest mind-fucks I've heard in a while.  Your Ex has been basically "marked for life," and no so-called apology (assuredly incomplete and certainly conditional) from the current administration, nor the promised diploma upon completion of a public speech defending his rationale to same, can possibly erase the stigma of what he certainly sees as evidence of his "inferiority."  Quite frankly, speaking as an outsider from an objective distance, it is no small stretch to draw the conclusion that this event, during perhaps the most impressionable years of his adolescence, plays no small part in the difficulties between the two of you.  Not only has Hyde harmed him, but it has also harmed you, and it has harmed your marriage.  Your Ex has lived the rest of his life post-Hyde trying to prove them wrong, and is still living it through your children in attempting to fulfill this dream.  Very very sad.  I wish all of you the best of luck and heartfelt sympathy.  I trust that your youngest son is now clear from the clutches?

What I don't understand is why Hyde is so unwilling to look at themselves and the mistakes they are making.  Because of modern day technology and the web, parents and students now have an outlet without fear of retribution from Hyde.  

I know that Hyde looks at this board so please will you answer us this.........Hyde, wise up.  This is not a handful of people who are posting and complaining about Hyde, and my guess is the numbers will be growing as more people find out about fornits.  Why is it that you want kids and parents to change but you are unwilling to?  

There is no doubt that Hyde is worth a lot of $$$.  As a non profit this is public record  I have a hard time understanding how a non profit could be worth the millions and millions that Hyde is, but this is not my area of expertise.  Another thing Hyde, since we know you are not hurting for money, why do you not hire more staff with better credentials and teachers who will act in a more professional and appropriate way?  It is an investment that would be worth the $$$ both for you and the students.

Please answer these questions for us rather than hiding in the woods in Maine!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Hyde School, The Most Truthful Informative Post I have Seen
« Reply #257 on: March 21, 2007, 10:33:06 PM »
Quote from: ""Guest""
Quote from: ""Ursus""
Quote from: ""Guest""
I can't believe I came accross this website, I am now in the process of dealing with the situation that my youngest son who has been attending Hyde since November 2005 refuses to go back and I supporthim completely on this, yet his father (we're legally separted) who is an ex-Hyde student is trying his hardest to convince me otherwise.  In the first place his father sent him there because he could not discipline my son properly and since he has residential custody of him I felt really I could not relly help my son and agreed to send him there.  I have seen my son go from a vibrant, energetic, bright young man to a mummy.  I see his fear and agree with all of you who talk about this being a "cult-like" situation.  I went there for their spring retreat and that is exactly how I felt, that I was in the middle of a cult and was actually amazed to read how so many people on this website reffers to Hyde in the same way I do!  Last night my ex took me out for a coctail to do his best to convince me that my son is being a quiter and needs to go back and finish this year.  I see his point of view but I also see and feel the unhappiness in my son.  He has chosen to be with me and stay in my house during the holiday season because he could not even stand being next to his father.  Instead of this helping a relationship between father and son it has made my son angrier.  

When I heard my ex talking to me last night I saw all the "Hyde" lingo and expressions being said to me,and I even told him that all that comes out of his mouth is pure Hyde.  My ex never graduated from Hyde, because at the time he went his sister was also going and his family could not afford to have two kids going to that same school, well Mr. Gauld (father) and other Hyde officials, told him at the time that they would much rather have his sister attend Hyde than him because she showed more leadership potential hthan he did.  This, I believe completely scared my ex and actually when he went to one of the FLC's he got an apology form all of the Gaulds because they "did him wrong" then.  As a matter of fact even though my ex graduated Hig School from another school, he last night told me that he willbe receiving his diploma from Hyde very soon, he just has to give a lecture or a speech in front of the school and he will receive it.

My middle son is also attending Hyde and it has not seem to affect him emotionally at all, but his little brother tells me that he just "goes with the flow and does everything they tell him to do there". . .

I certainly feel that this place may be good for some kids but definitely not for my youngest and as I said I am so glad I found this place where I can see other's oppinions on this school.  I was made to belive by my ex last night that I am crazy by thinking this way about Hyde and it being a cult.

And as far as the school providing records for me to transfer him to another school, it has been extremely difficult to get anything from them.  The Registrar has given me nothing but attitude when I have been calling her every single day after she promises she will fax the records "as soon as she gets approval form the business office" and I have not received a thing.  The other day she could not do ti because it was snowing in Maine and she had to go home. . . .

I look forward to reading more from you all.

Dear Guest, should you still be reading this board, is your Ex's last name perchance Coburn?  Regardless of that, I have to say that to take one kid (his sister) and not the other (your Ex) because one allegedly demonstrates "more leadership potential" has got to be one of the sickest mind-fucks I've heard in a while.  Your Ex has been basically "marked for life," and no so-called apology (assuredly incomplete and certainly conditional) from the current administration, nor the promised diploma upon completion of a public speech defending his rationale to same, can possibly erase the stigma of what he certainly sees as evidence of his "inferiority."  Quite frankly, speaking as an outsider from an objective distance, it is no small stretch to draw the conclusion that this event, during perhaps the most impressionable years of his adolescence, plays no small part in the difficulties between the two of you.  Not only has Hyde harmed him, but it has also harmed you, and it has harmed your marriage.  Your Ex has lived the rest of his life post-Hyde trying to prove them wrong, and is still living it through your children in attempting to fulfill this dream.  Very very sad.  I wish all of you the best of luck and heartfelt sympathy.  I trust that your youngest son is now clear from the clutches?

What I don't understand is why Hyde is so unwilling to look at themselves and the mistakes they are making.  Because of modern day technology and the web, parents and students now have an outlet without fear of retribution from Hyde.  

I know that Hyde looks at this board so please will you answer us this.........Hyde, wise up.  This is not a handful of people who are posting and complaining about Hyde, and my guess is the numbers will be growing as more people find out about fornits.  Why is it that you want kids and parents to change but you are unwilling to?  

There is no doubt that Hyde is worth a lot of $$$.  As a non profit this is public record  I have a hard time understanding how a non profit could be worth the millions and millions that Hyde is, but this is not my area of expertise.  Another thing Hyde, since we know you are not hurting for money, why do you not hire more staff with better credentials and teachers who will act in a more professional and appropriate way?  It is an investment that would be worth the $$$ both for you and the students.

Please answer these questions for us rather than hiding in the woods in Maine!

Have you seen the information that was posted here listing the annual salary for Malcolm Gauld?  Holy cow!!!!!  And Hyde has the audacity to hit up parents for their "fair share"?  This is beyond sick.  They stand in the auditorium pleading for money and then pay Malcolm an outrageous salary.  Come on!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Hyde School, The Most Truthful Informative Post I have Seen
« Reply #258 on: July 20, 2007, 11:28:16 AM »
Quote from: ""Ursus"" take one kid (his sister) and not the other (your Ex) because one allegedly demonstrates "more leadership potential" has got to be one of the sickest mind-fucks I've heard in a while. Your Ex has been basically "marked for life," and no so-called apology (assuredly incomplete and certainly conditional) from the current administration, nor the promised diploma upon completion of a public speech defending his rationale to same, can possibly erase the stigma of what he certainly sees as evidence of his "inferiority." Quite frankly, speaking as an outsider from an objective distance, it is no small stretch to draw the conclusion that this event, during perhaps the most impressionable years of his adolescence, plays no small part in the difficulties between the two of you. Not only has Hyde harmed him, but it has also harmed you, and it has harmed your marriage. Your Ex has lived the rest of his life post-Hyde trying to prove them wrong, and is still living it through your children in attempting to fulfill this dream. Very very sad.

Harmed the curretn generation of kids, too, whether or not they ever even went to Hyde.

the Government also did mind twisting experiments like this on people many decades ago, up 'till some time in the 70s, I think.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline katfacehead89

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Re: Hyde School, The Most Truthful Informative Post I have Seen
« Reply #259 on: December 07, 2021, 06:27:16 AM »
Don?t be ridiculous.. Hyde was never for neurotypical kids, unless they were completely tricked into it. It was founded for troubled kids, and it?s stayed that was for half a century.