Author Topic: ST Cluelessness  (Read 28376 times)

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Offline Nihilanthic

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ST Cluelessness
« Reply #60 on: December 17, 2006, 07:15:59 PM »

Fucking move to the USA where you can actually have weapons AND USE THEM *depending on what state you live in* and somehow deal with less bullshit than the nanny state feels like putting you through now.

Cheeeeerist lady! How do you put up with that?  :o
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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ST Cluelessness
« Reply #61 on: December 17, 2006, 07:35:04 PM »
oh my god. how old are her other kids?! If any are under 18, my first thought is that she could get the social services involved, which could lead to his removal from the home. yes, police generally are not very good at a lot of things over here unfortunately. The only other thing i can suggest, and i dont know if she has already done this is to take pictures of the injuries recieved, and take them to the police...quite frankly itd ABH what he's doing, and i dont know why he's only getting cautions...she needs to take evidence to the police, see if that would wake them up, maybe ask for an injucntion to be taken out against him, and, if taken to court, to request to the courts that he should not reside there and that she does not want him there. Mind you, its easy saying all that, but if my son turned that way against his sister god only knows what i would do
Anyway...hope that helped!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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ST Cluelessness
« Reply #62 on: December 18, 2006, 07:25:57 PM »
no, MP is a Member of Parliament. If she is able to get in contact with her local one, should be easy enough through the council. Yes, the media is a very good idea! Well done you, i wouldnt have thought of that for ages lol. I was thinking about it earlier at work, and i was looking on the internet for somewhere whereby she could perhaps make a formal complaint to the top guys at Social Services, but then i forgot that there are many different social services departments in each county, and i didnt know where she lived lol.
Any other ways the UK is messed up...well...Tony Blair is in charge lol. Prices are highest in Europe (and probably the world!) everything keeps rising, political correctness is getting out of hand, basically, we're slowly turning into a 'nanny state'. I dont know much about the law lol. Only what pertains to our roles at work. Apparently, this new thing has come out whereby men who are arrested on Domestic Violence charges can get off or ave a much lighter sentence, if they can genuinely say sorry in court. Its causing outrage with all the DV helpgroups, because, lets face, it, how easy is it to say sorry and sound genuine? Honestly. Sometimes i want to move! Somewhere far away and hot preferably
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline exhausted

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ST Cluelessness
« Reply #63 on: December 18, 2006, 09:06:07 PM »
i put up with it because I have to, there are no muscle bound men who are willing to tell him his fortune, do you really think I go out anywhere? That'd mean leaving the kids, i'd come home to the house burnt down  or one of them murdered by the other - its not as simple as that....not only that, there is very little that frightens my eldest, he'd fight to the death

I am hoping that the useless social worker who i have seen once in 9 years (that was a week ago0 and who hasn't contacted me again since, will have to help now that everyone is aware there is violence going on, but I wouldn't hoid my breath, blue does not suit my complexion, either they'll do something or he'll end up back in jail the way he's carrying on at the moment and then I can concentrate on the younger two - hopefully bringing them back into the family fold a bit won't last, we're having a rough time, but it won'rt last, something has to give eventually, it can't go on, because no matter what, there will be some intervention in some way

I do wish my eldest was a complete bastard all the time though, it would make things so much easier, he's so lovely half the time, I'd prefer it if I could hate him, but no one can hate him, he's a devil sometimes but such a loving caring lad other times
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Truth Searcher

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ST Cluelessness
« Reply #64 on: December 19, 2006, 05:15:22 PM »
Honestly Exhausted ... you have some very serious boundary issues with these kids.  If my older son was hitting my younger ones with golf clubs, I would have tossed his sorry ass out so fast he wouldn't know which end was up.  Let him go back to jail for crying out loud.  His behavior is criminal.  It is abusive.  You are teaching your oldest that his behavior is acceptable.  You are teaching your younger children that it is OK to abuse smaller, weaker people.

You honestly would be better off to place your younger ones in foster care than to continue to allow them to live in such a hostile and  volatile situation.

You don't have to put up with this.  That is lie ... I might remind you that you are the parent, the adult, the one who pays the bills.  To reiterate:  throw his sorry ass out and let him fend for himself.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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ST Cluelessness
« Reply #65 on: December 20, 2006, 02:41:52 AM »
Quote from: ""exhausted""
I do wish my eldest was a complete bastard all the time though, it would make things so much easier, he's so lovely half the time, I'd prefer it if I could hate him, but no one can hate him, he's a devil sometimes but such a loving caring lad other times

That's how most abusers are.  When they secretly feel guilty they try to make up for it by being extra nice.  It's a pretty standard pattern.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Offline exhausted

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ST Cluelessness
« Reply #66 on: December 20, 2006, 07:55:11 AM »
Quote from: ""Truth Searcher""
Honestly Exhausted ... you have some very serious boundary issues with these kids.  If my older son was hitting my younger ones with golf clubs, I would have tossed his sorry ass out so fast he wouldn't know which end was up.  Let him go back to jail for crying out loud.  His behavior is criminal.  It is abusive.  You are teaching your oldest that his behavior is acceptable.  You are teaching your younger children that it is OK to abuse smaller, weaker people.

You honestly would be better off to place your younger ones in foster care than to continue to allow them to live in such a hostile and  volatile situation.

You don't have to put up with this.  That is lie ... I might remind you that you are the parent, the adult, the one who pays the bills.  To reiterate:  throw his sorry ass out and let him fend for himself.
In order to place your children in foster care, they have to agree to go - was told this only a few days ago, that is unless I remove myself from the hoouse and they will then be under neglect.....and yes you're right, they do think it's okay to treat me like the eldest - why wouldn't they? He gets away with it every time

I can't kick the eldest out!! Don't you think I would have done by now? The police were called last night on a 999 call and they wouldn't arrst him because they said it would mean them chasing round trying to find him....that was the result of me trying to kick him out, I got a belting off him, this lad is tough as they come and didn't hesitate to beat ten barrels out of me because he wasn't getting what he wanted when he wanted it.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »