Democrats and Republicans have the same principles. Those principles are:
Taxes: We should not be paying taxes at all. Here is a good, brief explanation: Aid: Foreign aid is funded by taxes, which we shouldn?t be paying in the first place. It is to send money to rulers of other countries. Little, if any, benefits the populations of these countries. Remember, the United States independence was gained by fighting a war in which we were refusing to send money to another country. Forcing all citizens to pay into foreign aid is disrespect to those who fought in the War of Independence. Government foreign policy creates problems; private and volunteer solutions solve problems.
Imagine foreign aid which is operated by a non-government organization, and the contributions come from voluntary contributors. The greedy lobbyists in Washington D.C. do not want to settle for voluntary contributions. They want more, more, more, so they hassle the weak Democrats and Republicans into FORCING all American taxpayers to send BILLIONS per year to foreign countries. Which of the following do you think represents freedom: forcing people to do things or leaving it up to people to choose whether or not to do it voluntarily? Freedom is not a matter of opinion.
You think we can afford to send government enforced foreign aid because we?re so wealthy? Tell that to the homeless and unemployed Americans. They sure would like to see that money stay in this country. This is proof that Democrats and Republicans care more about obeying powerful lobbyists than they do about the people of America.
Terrorism: Foreign Terrorists who attack the United States are enemies created as a reaction to government foreign and military aid of terrorists? enemies. Move foreign aid out of the government and into volunteer organizations, and you end the threat of terrorism. Think about it? A volunteer foreign aid organization would remain undetectable, unattached to a government, a state or any particular population. This makes it impossible for terrorists to find a target! Greedy lobbyists, chaos-dependent news media and spineless politicians will never let you see this explained on television! If you vote for Democrats and Republicans, you vote for terrorism.
The Drug War: The drug war is only still in existence because the government makes so much money off of it. It is a destructive, proven failure and it will continue to fail for eternity. The government making an addict or alcoholic?s life even worse than it already is only does more damage. Drug use is one problem, so where is the logic in stacking another problem on top of it? Besides, is it really the government?s right to tell you what you can or cannot put into your body? It?s time to quit ruining people?s lives and wasting money on the drug war. End the Drug War, you end gang warfare, but the government makes a lot of money from gang warfare too. Some people use drugs. Making it illegal did not change a thing. It only made things worse.
Social Security: It?s a scam? one of the worst investments you could make. The Democrats & Republicans want you to keep dumping money into accounts that they control though. Let?s give the current social security recipients their benefits as originally intended, but put an end to further enabling this scam.
Keeping your utility bills high: Republicans and Democrats agree to keep competition illegal among utility providers in exchange for regulated pricing. The utility providers know good & well that competition would drive the prices far lower than the regulated prices. That?s why the utility providers agree to it. To compete with a utility company is illegal, thanks to Republicans and Democrats. Keep voting for Democrats and Republicans, and you?re voting to keep the utility monopolies in power. Don?t buy their bogus de-regulation ?attempts?! They are lying to you. They only allow re-regulation by marketers, which keeps the actual provider in power. Real competition at the provider level is the only true way to do it.
Tyrannical civil rights violations such as the Patriot Act and the Homeland Security Bill: Have you ever studied it? Demonstrating your disagreement with the government can now be prosecuted as an act of terrorism. That?s right; Democrats and Republicans voted 90 to 9 on the Homeland Security Bill and 98 to 1 on the Patriot Act to kill the Freedom of Speech and the Right to Privacy and a few other rights in 2002. Isn?t this lack of diversity suspiciously unrealistic?
Total Information Awareness: Government spying on you and everyone else, military database cataloging of everything you are, everything you do, everything you say, everywhere you go. If that sounds too outrageous to be true, just study it on the Internet. Use to search for ?Total Information Awareness?. Act now and you might be able to vote this out of existence before it is implemented.
Things like the Patriot Act, the Homeland Security Bill and Total Information awareness were hack- job band-aids to cover the wounds stemming from one thing? the Democrats? and Republicans? foreign policy. Shake yourself loose of the brainwashing that they have force-fed us through the chaos-dependent mass media.
So you see, there are no choices anymore because Democrats and Republicans will not allow choices. It?s time to start voting for a new party.
Start voting Libertarian to see some real solutions start to happen. The television stations are not going to let you see much of the Libertarians, because T.V. stations rely on chaos and other problems for news content. Democrats and Republicans are the suppliers of problems and chaos. Start getting to know the Libertarian Party here:
http://www.LP.orgPlease forward this to a bunch of people. At least keep it saved somewhere so you can forward it later, once you?re more positive that this is a valuable statement.