On 2006-05-28 21:23:00, Anonymous wrote:
"I say bitter instead of affronted, annoyed, antagonized, angry, chafed, choleric, convulsed, cross, displeased, enraged, exacerbated, exasperated, ferocious, fierce, fiery, fuming, furious, galled, hateful, heated, hot, huffy, ill-tempered, impassioned, incensed, indignant, inflamed, infuriated, irascible, irate, ireful, irritable, irritated, maddened, nettled, offended, outraged, passionate, piqued, provoked, raging, resentful, riled, sore, splenetic, storming, sulky, sullen, tumultuous, turbulent, uptight, vexed, wrathful
on what basis is my question...let us not forget molested... wrathful comes awfully close to bitter, no? hmmm...thersauraus is missing a few terms... is sarcasm an adjective related to anger... all humor is related to anger. :wink:
Because that is how it comes across to me the reader of your posts.
oh, i see... hmmmm...the reader... you...I'm afraid I don't see much to be done about that given that I wasn't close to that many girls at MMs, the few I was I remain close friends wtih today. The others that I wish to know again are not here. so, for instance if it feels like I'm tearing apart Jessica for instance, I can't say that my line inquiry is less about making friends again with the annynoymous baby love but gathering information... perhaps that's why my interactions feel less....um,,, chummy?? I'm not at all concerned about that. Individuals have reached out to me, I'm confident I'm accessible enough.
You obviously have a VERY strong view point as to your experience.
as well as the illegality of much of MMS actions, the very nature of their program, the lack of efficacy, the false advertisment, the misleading, the censorship, the intimidation, the constant fear, the general absence of therapuetic milleu... there's more but I have to go to the gym before work... not from a stricly subject perspective. I speak with students who left MMS recently, and it's the same of stuff. So, yes, I'm a take a very firm postion.
That is fine. My question is why does that need to be brought into all the conversations. This post started out as looking for Addie. A lost friend who shared GOOD times and BAD with people at mms.
yea, and? as stated above, gathering of information. This is an MMS forum, as you may know or not, much revovles around the problems surrounding this industry... I guess that ultimately the best place to talk about the wonderfl aspects of John and Colleen are generally best reserved for myspace.com MMS site, or here if you'd like, but I don't see my (purposeful) inquiry ending soon. And my take on that is that the denial of the bad makes talking about the positive seem as if others are in denial or white washing the experience. Example, we had a private MMS forum, we shared both the negative and the positive. The issue about jumping right into the positive appears superficial and following the MMS party line.
I woudln't care if I didn't know first hand and speaking form others just eh level of fear and how the sense of betrayl of MMS- John, Colleen still, 10 years later, makes girls not want to talk. Powerful stuff- ultimately not only do I not want to support that, I don't want the idea that MMS was exclusively grand to get out there. obviously it wasn't... so again, bitter not so sure, but a million other things yes. Sorry (kinda) if you don't understand.
I would have thought that you had harped on mms enough. Find a new subject.
um, no thank you? why does this matter to you? Do I insist you find a new subject? Being an MMS forum, um... MMS is the topic in question. I want to know the impact, that's the only reason I'm here. If I happen to connect w/ passed loved ones, great! But that's not my purpose.
What was your favorite time there,
I liked sitting on that little pearch area when we went winter camping (which I actually liked and still do in upstate NY- suprisingly)and hanging out on the snow.
(the sad thing is even as I write that there are a million negative (unethical, immoral) things creeping in my mind- so can't help but thing- wow, that was beautiful and powerful... but that I think about how the next day John 'nailed' Stephanie and made her stare at the sun for hours in one of his psuedotherapuetic moves... it's just impossible for me to glaze over. If you had spoken to Blaire, for instance, who recenly killed herself about MMS, of Claire, or whomever who expresses how MMS destroyed their life and how now intenst therapy is needed, or who have destroyed themselves completetly-- perhaps this would be an issue for you as well, don't know... While I'm all for personal responsibility, these young girls needed to be helped, not tormented... they needed not to have additional trauma... for some I feel like MMS broke the camels back, they were at a cross roads and were sent to a place that... well, we all know.
or who was your best friend? What staff member (not core staff) effected your stay the most? What was your favorite pet, Rascal the dog, bunnies, Billy the cat, or the horses?
Sara Marm of course!! Still is! I loved Tanya- spoken about her on other forums. Were are you Tanya! She gave me a diary as a going away present. She was nice and caring. Didn't care much for the animals.
Kat you?re what 28 or so now right? You were at mms when you were 14, move on. I understand that you have your "fight", good for you that you have found something in your life that you are passionate about. My question to you is when was the last time you were at mms? Maybe you have been there recently, I don't know. I just know that I when I read through these posts, yours always strike me as very harsh.
I'm 26 and I haven't been to MMS since I graduated, but I speak to girls who left not even a few months ago... again, your suggestion to move on is just as obnoxious as when others have said it to me or anyone who says anything negative about MMS. I work for A START sponsored by University of South Florida's Dept of Child and Familiy Studies, so there's really no moving on- this is part of my paid work. I've started an organization with several friends on this issue, so there is no real moving on... certainly would not move on for your benefit, so that you can find permission and space to think exclusively happy thoughts about a facility that has harmed so many. Ok, so I can be harsh, I accept that about myself.
If someone has a personal issue with that I think most know I'm all ears... unless their's the denial thing going on, which I have little tolerance for at this point.
the time that we were biking behind the school and ran right into a bear. What happened to all those times? They seem like they have been washed away by the anger. Sit back for a minute and think about the other times, the times that we were just being girls!
Ok, you're kidding right? my guess is you just don't get it, that's fine by me- just as you say it's fine by you that I have a strong View point but beyond the fact that I HATE HATE HATED BIKING, that was the worst activity part of MMS
I've said, I've remenised about those times, but it feels like I'm being fake to discuss them at any length w/ individuals who wish to bury the harm MMS brought upon many. It's like a Jew talking about a concentration camp and insisting they wish to speak only about the good times. Who are you to suggest it's time to move on or not and who are you to dictate the terms of these discussion. What's more, who are you to suggest you know much more beyond these post to suggest bitterness? (not saying MMS was like a concentration camp, per se) I have here and there spoken of 'good times'. But I like to see the whole picture- the reality.
MMS destroyed a huge part of me, I can't deny that at every turn I was scared and most everything was done out of fear,Girl things where not that, but they were 'little' girl things done which remind me once more of how much of a regressed state I went into, very child like and just how much of myself and my own truth and reality I put aside- including acting giddy and child like, or even just playing around acting like they wanted me to act- I have much choice in the matter, for that reason those joyful moments take on a the taint of reality and are far less joyful than you suggest.
Significant memories were always one on one, those people know their value, nuff said.
So yes, while on the one hand getting blisters after pciking dandelions for weeks straight out in the field- de weeding, or chopping wood for John, sucked and for that reason is freaken funny... as an adult, when we look back, that wasn't funny at all. We did their labor for them, we were locked up, prisoners not patients or clients with rights and respect.
So, ha ha, may have gotten me through the day,and years later, now, because I know better, understand ethics in mental health (or in general). I am morally so strongly opposed I just can't find the humor at the level of denial you seem to wish to persue this joyful recollection. It can be funny, but not for long... the exception (though rare) is unless I know someone is on the same page and it's not a denial laugh, but a real facing reality, acknowledging it and then laughing laugh. i have had those laughs with people on forums and over the phone.... Still, I don't want to mislead and contradict, have people think oh, kat thinks that was funny at my or their expense. I know girls are being harmed right now. I know this and it's just not funny to me to know that these girls are going through what I went through 10 years ago.
I wouldn't want to send them mixed messages, because I'm not one who denies reality for the sake of warm fuzzy feelings- not on this issue at least. I take this very seriously.