Are you asking about Cristina Gulacy? If so, you can go to and according to the last entries, she's married with 2 kids...
I was in touch with Mirian and her family for a bit, but it was a while ago. As of the last time we were in contact, she was doing well, back home. When I spoke to her folks, they sounded pretty happy in general.
I kept in touch with Nikki for a couple years after I left which would make it about 2000-2001. At that time, she was back in Jersey at her Aunt & Uncle's place at first. Last time we spoke, she had been living on her own and then had a bf move in. If I remember correctly, they had been together for a while. She was still her spunky, fiery self except the accent had gotten thicker. I never knew the word "drawer" could bring me so many laughs until I met her!
Lauren T. recently e-mailed again and it sounds like she's doing well for herself. She was always such a funny goof...couldn't help but lover her...
Still in regular contact with Molly & Les & Jen Shryock...
[ This Message was edited by: D_K on 2006-04-02 14:02 ]