On 2005-09-10 20:36:00, Sophie wrote:
"Why someone would choose to paralyze themselves unnecessarily is beyond me"
Please tell me what that means to you.
By assuming that you are an "addict/druggie/alcoholic", that you have some inherent fatal flaw that somehow the Stepcult could save you from. So you wanted to get high after being in Straight? So what? Big deal.... Getting high is as natural as eating, sleeping, having sex, or breathing. You seem to have swallowed the false notion that "you'll go back to where you left off" if you were to do a bong hit or have a beer. This is simply not true. I see no reason for anyone to be part of a cult the which has as the primary qualification for membership a self-limiting philosophy and belief system. Contrary to what Bill W., the Basic Text, and your sponsor tell you,
you have willpower and freedom of choice. To buy into Stepcult dogma is to deny your humanity, your birthright as a human being. It is akin to psychic suicide or voluntary castration, the notion that you can't make your own choices, that you need a group, a sponsor, or a how-to manual written by psychotic Nazi sympathizers to make your life better. You are a human being with incredible potential, not some inherently fucked-up "druggie" in need of "treatment". So you had a problem with drugs pre-Straight. BFD. Don't you think it is possible that you could have dealt with whatever poor life choices you were making, and gotten yourself together,
without succumbing to the ways of the Stepcult? I think you could have.
As far as "defects of character" go, no, you never alluded to it in your post, but you implied it by your acceptance of Stepcult dogma. It's right there in the steps, at least two of them. No, you didn't have any "character defects" that made you abuse (as opposed to
use) drugs, you were simply a confused young woman who had made some poor decisions. The idea that Straight or any other Stepcult-derived method was necessary to preserve your life, or even to help you sort things out, is erroneous. To confuse real therapy with meetings is like confusing brain surgery with trephanation. Yes, you may have benefitted from some outside perspective on your life situation, but to credit the Stepcult for your present life and happiness is incorrect and misleading. The Stepcult is a false philosophy, built on lies, and it is a disservice to yourself to think that it did anything for you other than waste your time with meetings.