Author Topic: Some insight(s)  (Read 43566 times)

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Some insight(s)
« Reply #105 on: June 14, 2006, 03:14:00 PM »
The Blimp Hanger rules!!!!!!!!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Some insight(s)
« Reply #106 on: June 14, 2006, 03:25:00 PM »
John Underwood! Remember the Blimp Hanger?I would like to talk to you!!!!!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Some insight(s)
« Reply #107 on: June 14, 2006, 03:36:00 PM »
Go Blimp Hanger and Tropical Park!John C.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline rossmddn

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guest, reply to john, who seems to adore the seed and it's i
« Reply #108 on: July 27, 2006, 08:28:31 PM »
say it brother say it brother no excuse for involuntary incarceration without due process, absent clear and present
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Re: Some insight(s)
« Reply #109 on: June 15, 2009, 07:17:35 PM »
John were you court ordered???? I was a 13 year old kid when i was  hog tied and dragged into that place by many bigger persons then myself, many such as 3 heavy weighted women and uncles too, including i believe they even had my grandmother at that scene, too bad when you all  used some stupid rug to roll me in and then tie some stupid rope i was not suffocated, maybe then they would have closed that sick brainwashing bull shit of a place up, my life, to save all others, for the sake of others, would have been better, why because if i suffered like i did i can not imagine how everyone else suffered, For one, i was asked did i do drugs, i said no, to this day and i am 49 ( soon to be 50 ) i have not done drugs, i remember even telling libby i never did drugs only to be laughed at and walked away from. No drug testing was ever done on me, nothing, i had never been in jail for ever doing anything bad not one time, i was only 13, i was on 2 swimming teams and a diving team, you idiots took me out of school, i never went back for fear of what anyone thought of me, i did not know if i talked to anyone what would happen so i split, you used me to fish my brother and sister in that place, they hated me because of that, they thought i set them up,  so many things  i went through for what, and what the hec was letting a 13 year old smoking cigarettes going to save???? You all every last one of you should not only rot in hell, but you should have to pay back anyone who went through such bullshit in that place, for one i was a serious vegatarian, your sugar water and  crappy sandwiches made me lose way too much weight, i was already some  skinny kid, i didnt need shitty food to eat i needed nourishment, any clown can tell you sugar is bad for you. But i am sure thats not what you and miss libby and art and who ever drank, but then you are the staff members right. I really wish someone would tell me why and how all got away with such hideous bullshit, oh and my oldcomer, she ended up getting fucked up  after she got home, kept me up late, chopped off my hair using a razor blade, yea and i did get spit on and  i did get pushed around and kicked, all are  true statements which i so wish i could make all you stand up in court and have to listen to, would not just be me telling  courts, be plenty out there like me. I just want to know how much money did you people take from everyone and piss away, while people were holding on to their souls by the end of a string, libby looked as if she partyed herself nightly, all those nice jeans and heels she waddled  in, did you all think at all back then, i mean come on you all had to think that  sometime in future someone was going to  tell all sooner are later. If my spelling is bad, thank yourselves, as i really did run away from the seed and had to stay away from school because i was not going to ever go back to that place. You put me in danger being around court ordered drug addicts as your selves were, a scam is all this place was for fools to make a profit off of. I saw art maybe once twice in that place, must be nice having a businness that you literally do not even have anything to do with, but get funds, and major funds too, millions in funds, so your life was so fucked up that it made you feel like a king i bet, yelling at kids all day long, wow, how lame is that, did you all ever think that maybe just maybe if you really took in people on their own free will that maybe that place would or could have helped some, instead of stealing lying and forcing them to say crap that was not true,  you know what i believe in, love and honesty and helping your neighbor and i believe in keeping my soul, i was lucky because my soul was never taken away from me that crazy time in my life, shame on you for letting parents that have too many kids believe that they should take and stick them in some  fucked up program, that only benifitted, the staff, and who ever else made a profit. I live with myself daily, and i have always loved myself, i saw in that place things a young girl should never have witnessed, those old comers you so rave about well both got high as a kite when they got home, and guess what i never even seen drugs, until i was in that place, i have been around people who well got high and  they never forced me to do anything i never wanted to do, i just never wanted to do drugs, i guess it bothers many who did not do drugs and had to go along with your dumb crap to get out of that place, my sister and brother both  a few years older then me got stuck there longer then me, we all got stared over, some game , the way i look at what you all were doing is feeding each other, art got the money and power, you got to be free from jail, along with debbie, and art the black dude ect... you all licked his ass, and you got the most freedom you  could get from a court system, but all forget to well talk about that, i may have been 13, but i was no dumb kid , i remember everything, i really will be writing  more about this, i had missed out alot because of that place, you stole something that you dont care about, but guess what i do care, care more then  all you put in that blimp hanger could ever have cared, funny thing is i know alot about you, and i am so thrilled you know nothing about me, i will tell you this i am more successful then any of you idots ever lied being about, i have more respect for the bums under the ramps in miami, i trust in them more then i would anyone from that place you called the seed. Heres my song to you john, THE SEED INDEED IS NOT WHAT I NEED< I NEVER DID JUNK NOR PILLS NOR WEED> wish i had a program where i could do what you did to all in that horrible place,  ( all meaning i wish shoe was put on other foot turn shit around have you go through what you put many through) i would so love having you sit next to the filth i would bring next to you, crack heads, prostitutes, you name it, you jeapordized many in there, many young girls who had no problem what so ever, hope you enjoyed using me as bait back then, i was the little redhead who bite all you assholes when i had the chance. Peace!   Oh, Susan be my real name too. I bet you, you would not meet in person today so i could spit in your face. I mean yours meaning all your staff and art and libby, not just directed to you all you unforgiven idiots. I will be back to make sure many know what i went through. How many do you all think you hurt back then, do any of you really care if you hurt anyone????
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline susan

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Re: Some insight(s)
« Reply #110 on: June 16, 2009, 09:06:33 AM »
I just want to know one thing you were what in your late 20's you say John???? You seemed way older back then, here's what i want to know, how is a 20 something man court ordered an addict like yourself, in any way of comparing to a young 13 year old  girl that was dragged in  hog tied against her will, and had never even seen drugs let alone know what they looked liked, how do you compare that to what you did to get put in there to what i did not do to be in that place????? Not to be rude but  you were( and still are will always be) an addict i was a clean young bright happy kid, on 2 swim teams, and a diving team, till i was dragged in there, how do you compare that??? It was not okay to put you near any child, what you learned in there was to hide and be something you are not is all, you enjoyed having a way to be nasty and all to others, you were court ordered, what ever in life gives you the right to teach anyone???? You had no schooling to teach anyone back then, but you did take many out of school so they could not learn.You fucked up many kids in school, after i ran from that place for good i was then maybe 14, did not stay long i was smart i ran, i could not go to school in fear of what others thought of me. You all should be striped like you all did to so many in there, i wish there was a way you  would have to start over and over in that place with me being the teacher now, i have still never done drugs, so screw all you so called convicts who got a fucking break by kidnapping young kids, assholes all you are, every last one of you, i hope this shit haunts you and art and libby and shelly forever, even after you all drop dead. By the way you also conned that place, is why you left, you learned to get away with so much in that place it became you is all, you thought you were the seed, you did not obey the rules that art gave you, art first then what???? you did not follow the leader, just like i did not follow you is all. Peace to all, i have much to say,i was there in the beginning when all this madness started, i was a good kid( used as bait )to get my sister and brother in that place is all, and they too never got high, so fuck all you morons when it comes to honesty.I was already honest and i already loved myself along with life, that place taught me to smoke cigarettes is all, pathetic and way against any laws, to give cigarettes to a minor,people should go after you idiots  just for that alone.  To this day i can not believe any parent would send a young girl or any child, to a place filled with convicts  addicts and so on, way not cool to put those type next to any child, sad, and cruel is all that place was. Another money hungry fool who thought no one would give a shit is all, well i give a shit, and i am now going to see just what i can do to stop more places like this, see i blocked you morons from my life, i had to stay away from my family for many long years because i was so afraid of being dragged back to that place, thing is you never got this soul messed up, i grew fast and strong and i did not get hooked on nothing in life except for life itself,you took away many years from a kid that would have been  maybe in the olympics ia all. fools, enjoy your freedom , as one day it too will be taken from you.  I sure wish someone could give me information about Mida Garcia, she was a wonderful court ordered gal that watched over me, i was a mere 13 when i was dragged into that place, i only trusted her there, yea she was a bad ass to you guys, but she also had a daughter and was hurting not seeing her daughter you all so daily threatened her with, guess what when i split, she came to visit me before she left that place on her own she ran away too, and her ass was there a long time, so for all the souls that had to run, i feel all you went through, hiding is no way fun, anyways i so  someone  knows of her  and i so pray she is doing well and got away from that place including the court system,  I had to grow up over night for no reason at all, sad. Peace to all again.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Greg is a dumb blonde, ahahahahahah
« Reply #111 on: July 31, 2009, 09:57:19 AM »
Quote from: "GregFL"

Could it be that many of the people who are anti-seed want to do their


I can only speak for myself and the answer is a resounding NO.

My father and I have had a very difficult relationsip since the seed, but one thing he did teach me was if something causes you more harm than pleasure, don't do it.

Pot stresses me out and makes me paranoid. I haven't touched anything else for over 20 years and don't intend to.

If marijuana was a positive thing in my life I would do it. It is not and I have no interest in smoking a joint and obsessing over my shortcomings for three hours. It makes me feel it causes me more pain than pleasure.

Nowadays a glass of white wine (red was preferred but it stains your teeth) occasionaly is about all I do. I don't get drunk. I don't get high.

Drugs have NOTHING to do with my observations about my childhood seed experience,and in fact since we have gone there I will make this observation...the vast majority of you "the seed saved my life" people have spent your lives battling acohol or drug addiction/compulsion issues.  IF the seed saved your life, why did you do the coke and heroin later in life? Why did you need commitment to other rehabs...why did your life desinegrate around a substance abuse problem?

I know your answer already about setting the groundwork for your later recovery..but I call a big BULLSHIT on it.

Sorry....just calling it as I see it.
well well well, look here, Greg has got to go back to school, (relationsip ,occasionaly, acohol, and desinegrate,  all wrong spelling) how lame are you Greg, keep picking I love it. I asked you before and I will ask again, what type of schooling do you think you have???? ahahahahahah, need I say more? :bump:  :flip:  :rose:  :roflmao:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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not recess time yet Susan dear.
« Reply #112 on: July 31, 2009, 10:12:26 AM »
Quote from: "Susan Stoned"
well well well, look here, Greg has got to go back to school, (relationsip ,occasionaly, acohol, and desinegrate,  all wrong spelling) how lame are you Greg, keep picking I love it. I asked you before and I will ask again, what type of schooling do you think you have???? ahahahahahah, need I say more? :bump:  :flip:  :rose:  :roflmao:

Susan sweetie you can't start a sentence criticising other's spelling with so many errors in it.  It makes you look silly.  Here, let me correct that sentence for you.

Well, well, well, look here.

You see Susan dear you must capatalize the first word of a sentence, put commas in their appropriate places,  and then put a period at the end.

Are you with me sweetie?  Lets go to the second part of your 2nd grade level attempt at sentence structure;

 Greg has to to go back to school.

See my child?   A period goes at the end of school, not a comma.

I know this is a lot to absord for you, so I won't go into the rest of your paragraph. I don't want your brain to start hurting again from thinking, but I would really like to see some progress Susan.

I am really trying to help you sweetie but I am getting so frustrated. Darn it!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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« Reply #113 on: July 31, 2009, 10:21:40 AM »
Are people in the Seed forum really so desperate for attention that they go and dig up 4 year old posts, find a couple of spelling errors, and then use them to try insult people? What is really funny is this lady can't even type a coherent sentence and she is raging around trying to correct other people's writing.

What a bunch of losers.  I am glad I was never in that place.  I can see what a bunch of juvenile idiots it has produced.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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« Reply #114 on: July 31, 2009, 10:32:14 AM »
Quote from: "DougG"
Are people in the Seed forum really so desperate for attention that they go and dig up 4 year old posts, find a couple of spelling errors, and then use them to try insult people? What is really funny is this lady can't even type a coherent sentence and she is raging around trying to correct other people's writing.

What a bunch of losers.  I am glad I was never in that place.  I can see what a bunch of juvenile idiots it has produced.
And the biggest loser is the one who responds to the LADY.  :roflmao:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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« Reply #115 on: July 31, 2009, 11:55:42 AM »
Quote from: "Susan Stone"
Quote from: "DougG"
Are people in the Seed forum really so desperate for attention that they go and dig up 4 year old posts, find a couple of spelling errors, and then use them to try insult people? What is really funny is this lady can't even type a coherent sentence and she is raging around trying to correct other people's writing.

What a bunch of losers.  I am glad I was never in that place.  I can see what a bunch of juvenile idiots it has produced.
And the biggest loser is the one who responds to the LADY.  :roflmao:


Words escape me to explain just what a moron you are.  And you are no lady.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: Some insight(s)
« Reply #116 on: July 31, 2009, 12:09:57 PM »
no just loved that you said i was a lady, loving that part. and fille  go back to the chat room where your big fat aussie ass belongs, you bore me here. but then again you bored everyone in that chat room once they found out you were nothing but some fat bitch sitting on line with fake pictures of herself. hey look i left  no capitalizing to get you all wet. now go post something that bugs me. maybe i will bring up the sick videos you posted on u-tube  about some  ladies daughter drowning in a pool. oh yea lets bring out the real fille, i love roasting fools like you on line.  :bump:  :flip:  :rose:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Antigen

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Re: Some insight(s)
« Reply #117 on: February 28, 2012, 12:40:25 PM »
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
"Don\'t let the past remind us of what we are not now."
~ Crosby Stills Nash & Young, Sweet Judy Blue Eyes

Offline Anonymous

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Re: Some insight(s)
« Reply #118 on: February 28, 2012, 12:50:42 PM »
Ginger has a nice rack  :nods:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Re: Some insight(s)
« Reply #119 on: February 28, 2012, 04:43:11 PM »
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »