This post is primarily for the RY and some others who are craftier than myself at anarchy and whatnot.
Let's say you have a criminal record and you can't get a fucking job. What can you do? It is not so easy as changing your identity with a library death record and all that shit. You get caught trying to fool with identities the cops are gonna want to talk to you for awhile. How do you get a job when you can't explain away a violently stupid record. Do you lie? Most corporations, these days and especially 911 and after, want to know what color your shit is and how many steps you've taken since you were a fucking infant. Do you leave the state you are in where you've grown up and want to change your life by getting a job? And when you leave the state, you could just not tell an employer about prior states of residence? Most corporations these days, including WalMart, Kmart, Sears, Microsoft, hire firms outside of themselves. These firms are experts in finding out about you. Whether or not your references are true, or if they are...whether those references are completely true from date, to money earned, to owner...etc. Criminal record is going to come up with a SS number and a driver license. Give them a false one and you don't get a job.
hell, some places want to run a credit check, too. That's the dumbest shit I've ever heard...I always walk.
I'm trying to get a job at a exports industry for boxes and other stuff, we run them to the stores in some places that run them elsewhere. I run boxes to the truck ...that's all I would know. It's a legal job, but I'm no longer legal and these owners are poking around for who am I. This is not honestly me, but I do have a friend in lock up right now and know when he gets out he's going to have these problems.
You can always wait to get a pardon and a seal/expungement. Those can take a long funcking time, I heard.
What processes can be taken, or creative shits to secure and decent job with benefits and chance for promotion if at all??? I could put on an application where they ask for the SS number: Available Upon Hire. But even that can get you fired because most jobs these days give you a 90 probation period especially in TX where there are no unions and its a 'right to work' state. This is another peice of bhullshit if you aks me.