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Offline Matt C. Hoffman

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The ring
« Reply #105 on: November 30, 2005, 01:43:00 PM »
I remember a persons nose being brioken in the ring. Talk about a beating. That was sick

A woman who was pregnant being put in the ring .She is now dead . I can't but wonder why she would be dead.

I think she thought  it was better dead than go back into a treatment facility. She killed herself a few years after elan.

You were put in the ring until you were beaten down . I think the ring is what lead to the mismatched boxing events that you can watch on ESPN. Or at least the concept.

 I give you the ring ;A real self esteem building and confidence building tool deployed by the henchmen that ran that horror show of a therapuetic center.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline joe dirt

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The ring
« Reply #106 on: November 30, 2005, 05:14:00 PM »
man this school sounds pretty bad, i went to hidden lake academy, it was a total shit hole therapeutic boarding school pretty much like this except people only got restrained if they acted up not for shit like spilling water. and if you got in a fight you got restrained then sent to the fuckin woods for 26 days. someone please explain to me what is the ring, and sp's and "the corner"
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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The ring
« Reply #107 on: November 30, 2005, 05:41:00 PM »
Remember 97 or 98, three house G.M Ring for josh M from e-8, Dale Martin absolutley destroyed that fuckin cat ...
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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The ring
« Reply #108 on: November 30, 2005, 08:50:00 PM »
yea, joshes nose was smushed in like a fuckin porch monkey's, i felt bad for that wierdo ass kid..
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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The ring
« Reply #109 on: December 01, 2005, 03:46:00 PM »
Are you serious? Thats FUCKED up...
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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The ring
« Reply #110 on: December 01, 2005, 08:56:00 PM »
On 2005-11-30 10:43:00, Matt C. Hoffman wrote:

"I remember a persons nose being brioken in the ring. Talk about a beating. That was sick

A woman who was pregnant being put in the ring .She is now dead . I can't but wonder why she would be dead.

I think she thought  it was better dead than go back into a treatment facility. She killed herself a few years after elan.

You were put in the ring until you were beaten down . I think the ring is what lead to the mismatched boxing events that you can watch on ESPN. Or at least the concept.

 I give you the ring ;A real self esteem building and confidence building tool deployed by the henchmen that ran that horror show of a therapuetic center.

What years were you there?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anne Bonney

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Re: The ring
« Reply #111 on: March 10, 2010, 12:44:15 PM »

It's all so familiar.   They all are so similar, use the same fucking mind control/thought reform shit.  As we've all said, same shit different wrapper.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
traight, St. Pete, early 80s
AA is a cult

The more boring a child is, the more the parents, when showing off the child, receive adulation for being good parents-- because they have a tame child-creature in their house.  ~~  Frank Zappa

Offline mark babitz

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Re: The ring
« Reply #112 on: March 15, 2010, 03:34:11 PM »
Quote from: "Becca"
I have heard the ring was different back when Elan was newer, but when I was there it was very only for very extreme cases.  A student would generally get more warnings than could be counted.  They would have to have shown extreme physical violence and not responded at all to the warnings.
The ring was litterally a boxing ring.  Students would be fully padded in the same height/weight class and have to follow boxing guidelines.  
Unless the student receiving the ring refused to commit to stop their violent behavior the ring would never last more than 3 minutes.  Mine lasted 28 seconds.
I hope this clears it up for you.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Carl Twiddlerbum

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Re: The ring
« Reply #113 on: March 18, 2010, 02:07:22 PM »
They had pregnant girls attending Elan? I cannot think of anything worse for an unborn baby than that. Pregnant women should avoid stress right?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Ursus

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Re: The ring
« Reply #114 on: May 29, 2010, 11:56:12 PM »
originally posted 11 Jan 2003:
Quote from: "davbetz"
In 1982, at Elan 7, I had a friend die after going into the ring. It was always a no win situation, putting new people in to "modify" the behavior of 1 individual. I think, like most things there, it was used as a deterrant. Another cheap ploy to get people to submit. Only in this case it wasn't cheap, a 16 year old died......

    The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing
    --Edmund Burke
    originally posted 04 Feb 2003:
    Quote from: "davbetz"
    Sorry it's taken me awhile to reply, not online that much anymore.
    The incident I'm reffering to happened during the Christmas holidays in 1982. The resident who died was Phil Williams, a 16 year old from the state of Maine. Unfortunatly, Phil was a ward of the state, because his father was in jail for killing his mother. Phil was a Coordinator Trainee, and started complaining of having headaches. The staff felt that he was malingering, and doin this just so he didn't have to deal with the book (ie. give haircuts). This esculated to the point where he was GM'd and put in the ring for reacting during GM.(for those that thought the ring was only used for people who were violent, think again)After going 3 rounds, I think, hard to remember after over 20 years, Phil went unconscious and started vomitting profusely. After laying on the floor for around an hour,The "Staff" decided he should be brought to hospital. As for who these staff were, I'm sorry, but I cannot remember. It was a weekend and the regular house staff were not there, that much I remember. For what Director, there 'prolly wasn't one there.It was common practice that GM and Rings to be held with just whatever staff was on duty, no director required.
    The following Monday, that hack of a nurse they had, came in to tell the house that what Phil died from was an enbolism and that he 'prolly would have died anyways, regardless of the ring (pretty convienent for Elan, I imagine)
    Myself, 2 other residents and a staff member did go to his funeral. I'm glad Elan showed this amount of respect.
    As for an investigation, I doubt there even was one. Noone ever came to house in an official capacity and asked questions of the residents. This is most likely due to he had no family to push the issue.
    I would like to think that if Phil had recieved proper madical treatment prior to being in the ring, maybe he would have been ok. But this is something I'll never know.

      Guard with jealous attention the public Liberty. Suspect everyone who approaches that Jewel. Unfortunately, Nothing will Preserve it but downright Force. Whenever you Give Up that Force, you are ruined.....The Great Object is that every man be armed.....Everyone who is able may have a gun.
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      « Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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      Offline Eliscu2

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      Re: The ring
      « Reply #115 on: May 31, 2010, 08:34:50 AM »
      The Ring


      Honestly Elan needs it's own "PILE OF DEAD KIDS"
      « Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

      Offline Eliscu2

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      Re: The ring
      « Reply #116 on: May 31, 2010, 08:52:09 AM »

      "Last thing I remember, I was
      Running for the door
      I had to find the passage back
      To the place I was before
      ’relax,’ said the night man,
      We are programmed to receive.
      You can check out any time you like,
      But you can never leave!"

      Anyhow, I think that verse is the creepiest out of all of them, in accordance to Élan.

      That is a really similar conversation that I had with Kate Hawkins. I was ONLY a DH getting evals for shingle when I was asked to go into the ring with Tiffany. Kate told me that she could promise me shingle, if I went in. I asked for the 100th time "this is my decision though, right? I mean I am about to get shingle anyways, I don't see why it would affect it." Kate left it alone and then Marty came and tried the same thing on me. I can see how Marty was intimidating to a lot of people. But to me, I always pictured him as a gawky pimply teenager, as a goofy looking man who spoke improper grammar and knew he couldn't get a job anywhere but Élan. A full grow man who got his rocks off by controlling children. To me he was pathetic. His manipulations fell on deaf ears. My entire 3 years at Élan that was the only conversation he had with me.

      It took me almost a month to get shingle. Kara told me that all the coordinators thought I was ready. So if all the coordinators had answered YES, why was Clare writing NO? I guess it was my punishment for NOT doing something that was "completely voluntary"

      I got the whole shpeal about how I wasn't being a role model if I didn't stand up for Élan eight by fighting Tiffany.

      AS for the actual ring it all went down when Tiffany hid under the raft in the middle of the lake. Headcounts noticed she was missing so the house lined up at the bottom of the hill. Just as we were really freaking out and coordinators started scattering into the woods to look for her, someone yelled THERE SHE GOES! and she was hauling ass Olympic style across the lake, 5 people jumped into the water after her and 2 coordinators got into canoes, and when Marc Nueman got next to her she kicked his boat over and luckily he had a life jacket on because his Timberlands filled up with water and he was in jeans and he couldn't move. The entire house watched as she swam into the horizon and Jeff Harttnet followed in a canoe. We all went to the house and had no idea what was going on on the other side of the lake. It was pretty scary.

      My guess is that Tiffany was 95-105 lbs at the time. But Jeff Hartnett was probably 6'0 and 200 lbs. The story we were given after Tiffany was brought back to the house was that Jeff tackled her when she got out of the water and she picked up a rock, over powered him and bashed his head in. We were pretty horrified, Jeff was a real sweet guy, and he couldn't help that he HAD to chase a splitter. It was his job. Jeff was supposedly at the hospital and came back with his entire head wrapped in gauze. It looked silly, and not like anything a doctor would do.

      SOOOOO, after little, brand new resident Tiffany swam probably about a mile (a triathlon swim is usually 1/4 a mile) She got out of the water and had the super human stamina to then overpower a full grown man and beat his head in? He caught her, so did she really beat his head in? Would she have gotten away? This was the story Clare Woodman told in front of the house until we all thought Tiffany was a pure demon. The meanest most horrible human in existence. DURRING Claires little house meeting was the time that Jeff wobbled through the door with his head all wrapped up. Coincidental timing? Or a well thought out parallel for dramatic effect? All I know is that I was on Tiffany's SP a lot after she was brought back and thrown in the corner. She had a gash on he leg that needed stitches. Staff refused her a Band-Aid. Days later it was completely green and yellow and infected. Jeff’s head wrap also came off within 24 hours while he was covering the post and there was no sign of any massive head trauma as we were all supposed to believe. The head wrap went back on before the house woke up though. Tiffany told me several times while she was in the corner that Jeff tackled her, there was no one around and she was scared. She was helpless on her back in the dirt and she reached over her head and grabbed a rock no bigger than a cigarette lighter, she closed her fist AROUND the rock, and tried to punch this guy to get him off her. (Remember she was in a wet bathing suit and frantic to get out of a very scary cult, she was willing to do anything and was really freaked out by the things she witnessed as a new resident) The rock fell out of her hand after one attempt at hitting him failed.

      That was also the story I got from Tiffany 3 years AFTER the incident when I visited her in Boston. We talked about all sorts of corruption and guilt. She would have told me the REAL story. I am sure that is the real story though. There was no sharp jagged boulder, no pathetic little Jeff being overpowered by and exhausted, sopping wet 14 year old monster. But when her 3 house ring came around, the story GREW.

      It GREW as the words were shouted to the 160+ kids from Marc Rosenberg’s mouth. She was made to sound even MORE evil, he stated she was trying to MURDER Jeff, she wanted to KILL HIM!!! Everyone got so crazy, frantic and enraged that they were booing at her and screaming at her as she was brought out. Marc Rosenberg Took her head gear and slammed it onto the top of her head. He did it so hard that all of her hair flew forward and was being held in front of her eyes and face like a dense curtain. The girl was totally blinded.

      I was 115lbs and even that would have been an unfair fight but they decided on Robin Johnson, a 5'10 180 pound girl who was at Élan for violence related reasons. She swung at her over and over again Tiffany didn't even see the swings coming. She fell on the ground and people laughed mockingly at her covering their mouths or pointing, some people screamed for her "to get up you fucking baby!" and a select few were just saddened and shocked by what was going on around them in their little bubble world. A world that was being proven in front of our eyes was impossible to escape from. After Robin was done beating the shit out of Tiffany and élan 3 girl who was even larger, maybe 200 lbs was cheered in and by this time Tiffany couldn't barely move, I thought she might faint, throw up, collapse. I am sure the staff would have enjoyed that though so she just tried to protect herself. It was scary watching all of the staff members faces twist into malicious smiles, and veins pop out of their foreheads as they screamed to "KICK HER ASS!" in shrieks of pleasure. It was one of the sickest things I've ever seen. After a few more rounds they pulled off the head gear. There was blonde hair from tiffany's head laying at her feet, her face was swollen and patches of red covered her whole body. She swayed as she tried to keep herself standing up straight and 160 students surrounded her, closing in and screamed in her face while their spit landed on her cheeks and in her hair. All of the life from Tiffany’s eyes had disappeared. Marc stopped us briefly to put me and another girl at Tiffany’s sides. We had to hold her up and force her to stare at the other students, since she was to weak to do it on her own. I remember looking out into the see of screaming faces, angry kids who were so broken that they didn't know what they were doing. 2/3rds of them never having met Tiffany b4 this Ring but HATING her because of the power Marc Rosenberg possessed over them. I remember feeling scared of my surroundings, like nobody had a mind of their own, like invasion of the body Why has not ONE person out of this whole room stood up and yelled "STOP IT! LEAVE HER ALONE! SHE IS A CHILD!" All she wanted was to get away from Élan. This was her "therapy" to make her stay? I knew why no one stood up for the true right thing... Because if they had, they would have been next, we all knew it and we were all afraid. So we followed what we knew wouldn't get us any extra attention. What a scary, sick fucking place Élan is.

      But Élan wouldn't exist unless PEOPLE created it.
      « Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

      Offline Inculcated

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      Re: The ring
      « Reply #117 on: June 06, 2010, 04:40:04 PM »
      @The Élan Reporter and others who replied about the ring, Thank you for providing answers to my questions about the ring. I’m sorry it has taken me so long to reply. My hard drive crashed and it has taken quite a bit of time in tech support tedium to get my set up operational again.
      Quote from: "The Elan Reporter"
      I've witnessed two refusals in the ring before. Both were then warned they would be held and then the students with the gloves would be able to use the held resident as a punching bag. I remember one of the held residents was a female and Marc ordered her to be held by two strength while the other female pucnched her in the face and gut over a dozen times. This crude form of punishment was also sought to be a way to conform the anti-elanian to conform to elan's rules. Well it never worked for one, and only made the resident hate being at elan even more, not to mention despise all and any orders from staff and strength. Even TCK found it to be non exciting and walked out of the house, as he lost interest as soon as the beating ended. I guess he had a buffalo to fuck or something. :timeout:
      Quote from: "The Elan Reporter"
      To finish answering your question inculcated about the ring.
      The ring was for residents who either commited acts of violence, like attack another resident. That was the only purpose it was for and the staff started abusing it by using it as an excuse over time for alot less infractions committed by a resident. Corner people who throw stuff arounf the room, or kicked out a window, or ripped down production were sent into the ring. There was once this girl who got booked in the dorms many namy times on a daily basis and the rest of the females grew tired of it, so one day staff decided to throw her in the ring, so that every female in the dorm that wanted to get in the ring with her could. Again, this was yet another example of abuse of power by staff. The girl who disrupted the dorm at night was a minor that did not want to be at elan and wanted elan to discharge her because she was not 18 and could sign out. So forcing her to face 15 other women in a ring would be something I would expect from a street gang, not a self help program like elan. The staff do not give two fucks about any resident when they are not being funded to keep them there. If a resident were to run away from there, elan would accept all collect calls made by the runaway at any given time of the day, and convince them to give themselves up all in the name of money. Hell, they wont even allow former residents that were nongrads or not to set foot on their property to visit elan, all because they are no longer being paid to talk to them.
      Elan is not a program to help troubled teens, yet it is a place where people learn to become more vindictive and mind fuck those who oppose you. There is a hidden message in elans purpose and that is "Do what you want to that is not right, but do not get caught at doing so". Elan teaches you to be more sneaky and more vindictive towards people by getting back at those by narcing them out, or getting them in trouble for anything.

      I’m also made more curious about the pods from Eliscu2’s recent post. These were houses within the houses and from what I’m reading they used the imposition of the forced/false alliances within them as an opportunity for control by splitting and segregating, right? Did pod assignment have anything to do with the level system?
      « Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
      “A person needs a little madness, or else they never dare cut the rope and be free”  Nikos Kazantzakis