Survivors Protest Kids Helping Kids in Milford, Ohio

On Friday November 30, 2007, protesters from the Greater Cincinnati area gathered in Milford, Ohio, a Cincinnati suburb, to express their opposition to a drug treatment program called Kids Helping Kids (KHK), a Pathway Family Center (PFC). The purpose of this event was to educate the public about KHK/PFC's systematic use of unethical, questionable, abusive, and harmful treatment methods, and to demand that KHK/PFC be held accountable for such intolerable so-called treatment methods. The protesters consisted of Kids Helping Kids and Straight Inc. survivors. Others who oppose this program also joined the protest.

Early Friday morning, the first protestor arrived in the freezing cold, armed with signs and informative flyers. Shortly thereafter, the lone protestor had the opportunity to talk with an interested citizen and inform her that KHK/PFC uses Straight Inc.'s treatment modality, that KHK is owned by PFC (also a Straight Inc. spin off program) and referred her to related websites. The curious passerby, already aware of Straight Inc.'s abuses, was so concerned she took notes! It wasn't long before another encounter occurred, this time with a KHK/PFC supporter. The KHK/PFC program parent was quick to point out that Kids Helping Kids has "changed" because it is called Pathway Family Center now. Of historical significance, Kids Helping Kids was a Straight, Inc. spin-off program, started in the early 1980's. Pathway Family Center used to be called Straight Inc. from 1986 until it was shut down in the early 1990's and then reopened within a few short weeks using a new name, Pathway Family Center. The past is relevant to this protest because the past is repeating itself in the current Straight-like program, Kids Helping Kids, a Pathway Family Center.

The main event occurred between 4pm-9pm when nine protestors assembled with their signs, anxious to share their message regarding KHK/PFC's harmful "treatment" methods: coercion, fear, isolation from society & family, forced confessions, humiliation, disproportionate punishment, just to name a few such practices. In short, KHK/PFC is based upon "tear down the child, then build them up in the KHK/PFC image." The potential harm this can cause varies but may include Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, increased drug and or alcohol abuse, severe depression, panic disorders, and in extreme cases, suicide.

The protest attracted interest from many concerned citizens who stopped by for information. The protest also prompted KHK/PFC supporters to join our demonstration with signs of their own in support of the program. One KHK survivor then had the opportunity to discuss the program with a recent KHK/PFC graduate. Another KHK survivor discussed the program at length with a man claiming to be a KHK/PFC parent and board member. This gentleman made numerous attempts to discourage that survivor's position against the program, to no avail. Although each side conveyed opposing opinions, which triggered emotional moments of disagreement, participants from both sides managed to remain largely peaceful.

The protestors were determined to carry on their demonstration in a peaceful, respectful and lawful manner so were dismayed when a disruptive stranger arrived, read signs from both sides with a bullhorn and repeatedly walked into the street. Fortunately, Miami Township Police arrived within minutes prompting the unruly stranger to run off into the night. The rest of the event continued without further incident.

At the end of the night, survivors and other participants all agreed that our protest was more successful than we imagined it would be. Despite the extreme cold, numb feet and hands, fatigue and KHK/PFC's unexpected participation, we felt more determined than ever to continue to educate the public about the harmful treatment methods used by Kids Helping Kids, a Pathway Family Center. Press Release on

This column has been printed from The Cincinnati Beacon: Where Divergent Views Collide!
The Cincinnati Beacon

Survivors Protest Kids Helping Kids
Sunday, December 02, 2007

Posted by The Dean of Cincinnati

Photo courtesy of here.

On Friday, November 30th, a handful of protesters hit Milford, holding signs outside of the “Kids Helping Kids” facility. They claim the institution is a cult-like brainwashing center that abuses children in the name of treatment. “The treatment was based on North Korean brainwashing of American prisoners,” said Anthony Connelly. “The abuse I endured occurred from 1986 until 1988. It ranges from verbal assaults to solitary confinement.”

"Kids Helping Kids uses identical techniques that Straight Inc. used. It was shut down in the early 90’s for allegations of these horrible abuses,” explained Connelly. “In 1993, Kids Helping Kids moved from Hebron, KY into the Straight Inc. building in Milford.”

“This is a behavior modification program, which is part of a congressional investigation into widespread allegations of abuse,” continued Connelly. “CA Rep. George Miller and the Government Accountability Office recently held hearings on these abuses and deaths of teenagers and are attempting to implement bill HR-1738. I fear this bill, if signed into law, would not be enough to stop this atrocious dilemma.”

Representatives from Kids Helping Kids did not respond to our inquiries for comment.

“My human rights were violated and I was tortured into submission starting at age 14,” said Connelly. “Some tactics used on us were food deprivation, sleep deprivation, humiliation, physical abuse, no communication with the outside world, memorize and adhere to all program doctrine. I was also forced to lie to progress and eventually became brainwashed through the use of these uncanny methods.”

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